November 10, 2021
Good Wednesday morning. I'm author Richard V. Rupp, writing from Burbank, California. Welcome to RUPP'S NOTES/FBI SPECIAL AGENT HARTMAN SERIES posts.
In SKYWARD, the novel I'm still working on, Daniela Bowman is homeschooling the Bowman Twins and three other neighborhood boys. What she teaches them will impact the world forever. This is from one of her lessons, "Time has changed the world around us, but it has not changed human emotions since the stone age. Human emotions are inbred in us, with negative emotions being more powerful than positive ones because they are tied to survival."
My writing in the past few days has reminded me of the opening lines of Charles Dickens 1859 historical novel the TALE OF TWO CITIES -
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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair …, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way …."
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What a great start to a book. I suspect that if Dickens were alive today and conceived the same plot as I'm using for my novel SKYWARD, he could start it out the same way. Our surroundings change, but people don't.
In Dickens's time, he wrote about chaos, conflicts, and despair, principally in England and France. He begins this tale with a vision that human prosperity cannot be matched with human suffering. He tells about a class war between the rich and the poor. Sound familiar? Except today it applies to the entire world that is rapidly shrinking.
Staying with the subject of time, in my last post titled, 'The Time Warp Conspiracy,' I mention being forced to set my clock back by an hour, creating early darkness. Then this morning, I read an article by NBC reporter Linda Carroll about the proper time to go to bed. Again I say there are those in our government who are trying to shorten our lifespan.
This is from the NBC article –
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"The time you go to bed may affect your risk for heart disease. In fact, researchers say, there is a heart health sweet spot for falling asleep: from 10 to 11 p.m. . . . An analysis of data from more than 88,000 adults tracked for around six years revealed a 12 percent greater risk among those who dropped off from 11 to 11:59 p.m. and a 25 percent higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease among people who fell asleep at midnight or later. Falling asleep earlier than 10 p.m. was associated with a 24 percent increase in risk, according to a report published Monday in the European Heart Journal—Digital Health. . . . "The body has a 24-hour internal clock, called circadian rhythm, that helps regulate physical and mental functioning," neuroscientist David Plans, co-author of the study and head of research at Huma, a London health tech company that supports decentralized clinical trials, said in a statement."
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How can you comply with this life-expanding recommendation when there is Daylight Saving Time? As I mentioned in my previous post, "China tested Daylight Saving Time for many years and decided it harmed its people. Why hasn't our government figured this out?
Back to SKYWARD and continuing with the theme of time. The Bowman Twins and the rest of their Clique have determined that finding future Earths will be a multigenerational project. Maybe as many as ten generations. . Yes, there will be birthing along the way. They believe that each generation's emphasis on research and education as they progress may positively affect the 'time' it will take to finalize the project. Many steppingstones and way stations will be constructed and populated before the new Earths are found. There will be occasions where human emotions from the stone age will come into play.
Until next time.
Richard V. Rupp, Author
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